Sunday, March 11, 2007

Seamus "Mc"Blau meets Antonio "F." Sodaro

Saturday, Tony had the pleasure of meeting Seamus, face to face. There were a few 12 yr old comments about "noisy babies" and one needing ear muffs offered by Tony upon hearing Sir Seamus' call for food. Only wish I had a recording of Tony at that age to let him hear his own calls for this and that!

While Seamus was taking one of his "catnaps", Tony drew a Blau family picture for Seamus.

Of course, laundry was done while visiting... NO idle moments for new parents... the first "depairing sock" incident occured... how does that happen anyway? JIM! We found the MIA socks!

And a new kind of pacifier (and hopefully useful tool) was introduced to Seamus. "Hey Mom? There's nothin' coming out of this thing! "

Before taking Tony home,
his one request was to hold Seamus.
Captured, here are some bonding moments.
So the cousin journey begins.

I think it will be a good one.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Out and About with Seamus McBlau! and a Thank You!

Friday night I trained to NYC to spend the day with Greta and Seamus on Saturday. Saturday, after doing some chores (you know me... gotta do those chores!) we (Greta and Nana) set out for an afternoon stroll with Seamus. At first, it was stressful for both Mama and baby. But we continued on, saying... "this is an experiment...let's just try and see". Good things happened!

By the time we got to the end of the block Seamus had stopped crying... and brave MamaBear was relaxing a bit as well. Internally, I was saying a big "phew"!

There was a bit of a breeze, yet it was warm in the sun. We did discover (and I remembered from way back when) that when baby is small... it is better to have them facing mama then facing forward. This way mama does not have to stop every few feet to check on said baby. A big thank you should come here, but it will later.. want to stay on course with the stroll story. About 1/2 way home, Greta said, "I can do this". Yeah for Greta!
Struggling with hormonal swings and then trying to get a baby out and about in the winter can feel like a daunting ordeal. But I give Greta full credit for pulling her "YOU-GO-GIRL" socks up and ACTING AS IF. That's my girl. BRAVO!

As that it was a short day visit... PapaBear and Seamus escorted me back to GST for my train home. I had to take a photo of Jim holding the blankie over Seamus (as ordered by Greta!)... "Make sure you put that blanket on MY baby, it's getting cold out there!" Papa wisely granted her wish and did just that. Photo is "proof" so he gets admission back home!

Here is where the THANK YOU comes in. Megan, a coworker and mother of one of the cutest redhead girls I have ever seen, is a continual source of "been there done that" when it comes to baby products.
Thanks Meg for your never ending help...
and always promptly!
So all in all, it was a successful weekend. Progress each day... things falling into place for family Blau.