Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Happy Birthday to Grampy!
I can't wait to see you again.
Oh... Nana misses you!
LOVE Seamus

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Purchased for Seamus' 24 hr birthday, yet celebrated on his 4th day...(hey, diapie changes and feedings more important... oh.. and some sleep...
I give you happy parents singing. The picture says it all.

Angry Meter Maids, Gentle Giants, Gorgeous Docs

Today was Seamus' first day out to meet the world. Any parent will remember those thoughts and worries of how their new child will be greeted upon beginning their journey "out there".

Well? The first "being" was less than kind. Upon exiting their apartment building, we were greeted by an angry meter maid who just had not one ounce of kindness left in her angry heart and proceeded to give Jim and Greta a ticket for parking on the sidewalk, even though Greta explained that they only had to put their 5 day old baby in the car seat! After some words from a less than happy mama, we moved on to take Seamus to meet his new doctor.

Jim skillfully dropped us off in front of the doctor's building to then go park the car.
Upon entering the building the doorman there was a sign: ID REQUIRED! HAVE IT READY! Greta looked at me and said, "I have none on me". Being the dutiful "DoBee", I was prepared to offer my country bumpkin ID. The gentle giant of a man behind the desk looked at Seamus in the car carrier and said, " You want to go to the second floor". Again, I asked, "do you want to see my ID?" Again, gentle giant said he was trying to help us and for us to be on our way to the 2nd floor. For me this was a message... See? there are kind people who will greet Seamus on his journey.

We then entered the family practice that houses the folks that will care for Seamus' health as he grows over the years. We were again met with only kindness and smiles. Seamus' doctor came out and ushered us into the exam room. He got a clean bill of health...
and only one "hurtish" blood test...

and has one gorgeous doc to boot!

Oh Baby! My Baby has her own Baby!

As Greta lay with Seamus nestled near the warmth of her body the other night, I thought this...
There is my grandson... warm and safe... and there is my daughter, warm and safe with her son...
my daughter, who not long ago, was in my arms warm and safe.

Some how, it reminded me of nesting dolls.
And as I type this blog entry, I then think of my own mother, who had her own 2 babies...
NESTING.. get it?

Monday, January 29, 2007

Good Eats, Sweet Dreams... & Mother Earth

I will try to catch you all up... while Mama is sleeping... baby is sleeping on Papa's chest.
Doing our best to keep mama well fed and hydrated. She is a feeding machine and needs good nutrition to keep that milk flowing for a growing and hungry baby.

And as you will see,
he seems to be satisfied...

this gives mama some satisfying moments of pleasure and contentment.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

JUST Photos

Posting some of the latest photos taken.

Lotsa feet... one of midwife Karen's feet... Grampy holding his 3rd and newest grandson for the first time...
Seamus's feet... of course! ... and one of Midwife, Martine's feet with Greta's as she (Greta) is about to get out of the birthing bed for the first time on Seamus' birthday.

First Sunday

This is the first Sunday of Seamus' life.
Both mama and papa are sleeping with baby for the moment.

Nursing... a continuing work in progress.
Greta is a very patient and determined mom.
She WILL get this... she IS already.
I noted to Jim that Seamus looks like Robert Deniro in the movie Once Upon A Time in America that very last scene in the opium den after he (Seamus) has had his belly full of breast milk, gently laying against mama's soft breasts.

Papa got a record 3.5 consecutive hours of sleep last night.
Nana and mama tended to baby's needs.

Midwife, Karen, came and checked out Mama and baby yesterday.
Both are in good shape.
This coming week, Seamus will meet his pediatrician for his first visit.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Noon and all is well

January 26 (I think? heehee)...
Perseverance pays off...
Seamus breast fed for 35 minutes! CONSECUTIVE minutes!
He is now peacefully sleeping Jim's arms, who is resting on the couch with his feet on a chair in the sun to give Seamus the much needed light, per the midwives suggestion.
She has been fed, hydrated and is now in bed SLEEPING!
All is well in the Blau household.

Nana is about to get under the covers and get some shuteye herself.
I miss everyone in CT, yet know this is my place for the time being.
when they decide that it should only be the 3 of them (meaning humans!) I shall bid them farewell knowing that I did my job to help them with the first days.

Nightie Night :o)

Nursing... A TAG-TEAM Event

As only an observer... and a frustrated one that that...
(this is my baby daughter who I am watching get more tired by the moment)

that aside...
I am determining that while the mother is the lead breastfeeder...
it truly is a TAG-TEAM Event.
Mama to offer the sustenance... (this is a short phrase for a whole lot that she does)
Papa to guide her as the "airport runway signal guys" do with airplanes taking she can get the proper position...
and ... VERY IMPORTANT they have found... keeping the baby awake so he gets the proper amount.
Problem is... that once Seamus finally settles in on a good grip... (ouch)
yeah, I know that if a good grip is happening it should not hurt...'but tell that to Greta's breasts right now...
still hurts... come on people...
DIGRESSED... sorry.
So Seamus then begins to fall asleep.
Not a good thing if you want a full belly (the size of a quarter by the way)
and then a slumber long enough that Mama can get the much needed sleep she needs do the mothering thing for the first month's long haul.

I am witness to a true and TAG-TEAM effort between Greta and Jim.
They are walking the New Parent Walk for sure.

So... this is YOUR assignment, peeps that are with them from afar...
and send Seamus good energy to nurse then go to sleep for longer than 20 minutes!

As any mom will remember, the first month is the hardest.
They are on day 3 of that journey.

Updates as things progress.
NanaBanana signing off. :o)

Friday, January 26, 2007

4:44 pm Hello From Aunt Betsy

For those of you who don't know, AUNT BETSY is the angel sister of Mimi, Seamus' Great Grandmother.
Since her passing, many of us see on clocks, etc, the daily number, 444, that Betsy frequently played.
For us, it's her way of saying "I'm here watching over you with love."

Well, I know in my heart that Aunt Betsy watched over Seamus' entry into Mother Earth yesterday.
She would have been thrilled to share the journey with him.
But wait... she is... just from afar.

Still not much sleep being had... finding it in dribs and drabs when the baby sleeps.
Unless you are Nana, then taking advantage of the quiet to update the Nana Baby Blog!
PapaBear is out for a walk to get some fresh air... and some yummy food.
MamaBear has fed her bambino and they are peacefully sleeping as I type.
Nursing is progressing and finding a rhythm with each feeding.
The merconium has not ceased yet.
Egads... that stuff is lethal.

Antonio's drawing of mangos was loving delivered to the parents. He got great pleasure drawing it for his new cousin, Seamus.
It will go up on the wall next to the cosleeper.

So... late afternoon the second day of the youngest Blau.
All is well.

More as I can get it to you.
NanaBanana :o)

5:43 am day 2 of Seamus' Life

NOTE: Until I get my bearings, all posts will be to the point, with little or no images.

Since last, lots of diapie cleaning...
Merconium... what a sight...
oopy goopy sticky stuff that just keeps coming out of this little elfette.
Not much sleep being had by any of us.
Quiet conversation, low lights, lots of toast and cheese for MamaBear.
PapaBear holding his son against his chest.
Cats looking at this little bundle wondering what alien has invaded their domain.
To look around... one would wonder if a birthing had occured.
Pool already down and packed away.
List of "what to get at store" being compiled.

I miss my wonderful hubby Cliff...
could not have done my part today without him.
He was in awe of the entire thing.
Only thing that upset him was Greta's pain.

Baby sleeping... time to rest!

The Eagle has Landed!

as in...
January 25, 2007 at 6:36 pm a new soul entered our world.
My girl... yes! My girl, did it in about 4 hours, even surprising the midwives and doula!
She went into birthing mode and let her body do the work... well... you know...
She did the work along with Seamus' help, of course, but she allowed her body to lead the way.
And I was so proud of her.
What a miracle to witness.
Both Cliff and I were honored to meet our newest grandson upon his entering the outer world.
Mother Earth welcomes Seamus McCune Smith Blau.
Bravo to MamaBear, PapaBear and son Seamus. A new "Elfette".
The midwives were awesomely earthy women.
The doula was gentle and guiding the entire time.
Me? The gofer... And it was my pleasure.
I am gratefully tired, at 12:57 am on the second day of Seamus' life.
More tomorrow...
time for sleep.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Progressive Artwork

Have been wearing this t-shirt for days!
.. it is clean!

Random Blather, A Song and Messages from...

Scattered thoughts today kids!
I simply cannot focus for more than a few moments at this point!

Lyrics from a song. I envision MamaBear and PapaBear singing to Seamus...
the moment I saw you, I wanted to hold you... and keep you warm, on a cold grey morn... the moment I held you, I wanted to kiss you... and wecome you here, on the day you were born.
Here are what some "already-hangin'-on-Mother-Earth-kids" have to say to Seamus...

A Blau cousin says...
Hey man, it's fine here..
they hold you all the time!
A "down Texas way babe" says...
I know your parents! They are so scoootchy!
They will just love love love you!
A "tween" says...
I drew you a picture to welcome you, Mango-boy!
And there's more than enough Nana to go around!

Well... there you have it folks... my brain has ceased to function...again! Done for now...
I will be updating as things progress!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


No baby as of yet... and MamaBear is officially tired of waiting!

So NanaBanana here to cheer her, Seamus and Daddio on to get the ball rolling!

PapaBear is willing and eagar to help shepard his son into the world.

So my peeps...
now is the time to send out all your good collective energy to Seamus.

send energy for MamaBear's body to be open and free for an Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Birth!

Go Seamus!

Go MamaBear!

Go PapaBear!

Monday, January 22, 2007

What to wear... What to wear!

Kicking the "Seamus T-Shirt" up a notch today.
Yes! It is washed and clean from the other day!

I should have found a long sleeve shirt to wear for this project though... brrrrr...

So Seamus, my boy!
Please help your NanaBanana and come out soon!

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

So Seamus decided that he would not share his birthday with his MamaBear. Independence... something to admire, unless...
you are the VERY PREGNANT mama waiting to birth her child! "Help getting up please?"


He most definitely will be an Aquarian.
I will defer to our Grand Dame Antoinette, Mimi, to we who have the privilege of knowing her intimately. She will take great joy in creating his first natal chart based upon his time and date of birth.
(you can see her website link under the above Links here - seamus' great-grandmother. She is a multidimensional babe for sure!)

Mimi will be the only GreatGrandma of Seamus. Wow!

I awoke at 3:30 a.m. with a song from the 60's playing in my mind..."Let the Sun Shine In", better known as the Age of Aquarius. If I was savvy enough, I would have included a hyperlink to the song for your listening pleasure. PapaBear? Care to tell me how to do that?

Time will tell when we all will be blessed with Seamus' presence. One thing I know for sure...
Seamus is one day closer to being born!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

January 21, 1968

39 years ago, on January 21, 1968, my youngest (who is having her own baby boy any day now!) was born.

In 3 short hours, from first twinge, she was born. I named her Greta Ann. She was just shy of 9lbs at birth. In "them those" days, birthing was different than it is now. What little I knew of birthing and the available choices, at the young age of 18, was limited. I followed orders.

Yet from somewhere... I had an inner sense that I needed to listen to my body, let it guide me. It was all very doable. If left alone... I think most would come to this inner knowledge as well.

For a moment, I will journey back to that evening in January of 1968.

If memory serves me well, it was a cold winter. And when I left the house to go to the hospital, I left our dalmation, Archie, curled before a toasty warm fire. I used that image later on to help me with the hardest of my labor. When I grew weary... yes even in a few hours, pain can make one weary... I "switched" with the dog at home. I went home in my mind and Archie-the-male-dog came to Norwalk Hospital and labored for a bit. When I felt rested... I assumed my position as "head laborer", thanking Archie for his kind service. And Greta was born.

Now for the best part of my memory of Greta's "birth"day, the very first time I saw and held her. She was an elf from the very beginning. Pixie all the way. The nurse handed my daughter to me as I was sitting cross-legged in the hospital bed (remember I was only 18 and still very flexible). Leaning forward, I gazed at her in my arms... what a beauty... what a miracle. To my surprise... there was Greta gazing right back at me CHECKING ME OUT! I know a newborn cannot see, blah blah blah. But I know what I saw.

In a recent comment on Greta and Jim's baby blog page I said this about Greta...
My little munchkin... that she was! Full of spirit and curiousity from the very get-go!

My first grandson Salvatore was born in May on my birthday. There will never be any better birthday present again.

How fitting now that Seamus is about to join us in our journey here on earth. Perhaps he will come on January 21st? What a wonderful gift that would be for Greta.


Creative Visualization

Yesterday, in honor of Seamus...
and to take my mind off the waiting part

I decided to be creative and wear a t-shirt with a message.
It helped me feel more a part of what's about to happen. It was fun.

Antonio (my 12 yr old grandson) said to me as we were sitting talking, "I like you in BLUE Nana" :o)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Due Date - January 18, 2007

Today, January 18th, is the due date predicted for Seamus's arrival.
This is your show... your journey.

If you choose to grace us with your presence today... Yippee!

If you choose to arrive some other time... we will patiently wait.
I think anytime after January 20th would be good.

Perhaps you will be born on your Mama's birthday, January 21st!

I told your Papa and Mama that I thought you would be born in a snow storm.
They both thought the same thing.

Seamus, my boy, may your journey outward be one that is
gentle, warm, and to your liking.

Oh! A heads-up... just to let you know...

You have some awesome parents waiting to share the journey of life with you!

And the rest of the family... ain't too shabby either!
Your Grampy will love you with a strong quiet love...
I would caution your letting him change your diapie though.. he is not good at "oppie goopie" stuff!
Wait until you meet your Great Grandmother Mimi!
(not enough to can be said about this grand dame)
And your cousin's, Salvatore (who will show you all the workings of anything to do with digital games, etc.)
and Antonio (who will show you how to wonder about life and always be prepared... boy scout stuff, you know)...
Aunt Carol (who will make you warm cozy things to wear or paint you an image of your most favorite dreams)
Your Aunt Lizzie...
(she will be a fun person to play with and is best at teaching you how to climb trees!)
And me...
I promise to always give you a warm and safe place to be whenever you need a "Nana hug".

We all lovingly await your arrival.
your Nana

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Journey... Mother Earth

Oh Baby...

Any day now my baby is going to have her first baby!

I will be priviledged to be present to help shepard
my 3rd grandson in to begin his latest journey.

Mother Earth will receive a new soul.

So I offer this Sweet Honey in The Rock Song...
Original words by Kahlil Gibran... "On Children"

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts.
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit,
not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you
with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as he loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that
is stable.
~ Kahlil Gibran